Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Web tool Ted Ed

Hello again,

Today I have been learning about a web tool that I can use in my classroom.  I looked at TedEd:Lessons worth Sharing.   I really liked some parts of this tech tool, while I definitely can see some downfalls in general.   I co-teach in a classroom that has a huge range of educational levels in grades 9-12.  I can have someone who I need to challenge and someone who needs one on one help in the same class. I can see it's disadvantages and advantages when talking about differentiating in the classroom.  I do not want to spill the beans on Ted Ed as I will need to discuss this with my partner.

Hey speaking of partner..who wants to be my partner?

Here is what I created that would be useful in my classroom Reasons for the Seasons on Ted Ed.


6/12/2015 Added

I wanted to explain more of the knowledge I learned while working with Ted Ed.  I liked that students can review the video at any point while they are taking the quiz.  I also liked how when you set up the quiz questions you can pin point in the video the time where they can find the answer.  You are able to create your own questions.  You can have multiple choice and essay type questions.  A small down fall is that you can not just give a link and allow the students to do the assignment.  They data is only collected if you have your students have an account and then access your assignment.  I also noticed there was a limit number of ways to share the assignment.  I also noticed that you would have to create a different assignment for your higher level thinking students.  Otherwise you would have to just have the students do the whole assignment.  There is just not much way to differentiate for the assignment.


  1. Love that lesson. How long did it take to put it together?

  2. This did not take long at all. I watched the video (made by someone else) and then changed the think and dig deeper sections to fit my needs. I already new a webpage that was good for additional information. Anyone could easily adapt Ted Ed lessons in 5-30 minutes to fit there needs.

  3. That's good to hear. Thanks for the feedback, Scherry.
